
I’d be lying if I said the dumbbell in the picture weighed 80kg…

According to studies 40% of adults have said they tell a lie at least once per day and lies can vary from being small and questionable to big and can lead to life changing situations. Lying itself is actually quite a complex procedure even though it seems to be easily achieved.

The following reference from a published journal sums lying up by “The liar must first of all decide not to assert the truth, and then must assert an alternative statement that is plausible and appears informative to the listener, all the while concealing any outward signs of nervousness.”
The same journal came up with the following interesting conclusions:
  1. Lying involves suppressing truthful information and suppressing or rejecting a default response will increase response time
  2. There can be costs associated with choosing to tell the truth, just as there can be with choosing to lie
  3. Lying often requires more choice in generating a response than telling the truth. There is typically only one truth but there are many possible lie options. Making a choice about which lie to use is a difficult job and contributes to the longer time needed to tell a lie
According to another study, It is estimated that 30% of all business failures are a direct result of employee theft and dishonesty.
Take this example of the following client. His name is Mike, he’s in his 30’s, works full time in the fitness industry and has a wife and 2 children. This guy sound familiar?? Mike likes to write regular health and fitness blogs however has not done so for the last 9 weeks.
Originally Mike temporarily stopped writing the blogs as he had 3 weeks of intense studying in addition to a week’s holiday abroad. However since returning from holiday Mike has not resumed his usual routine. Why is this?
When asked, Mike responded, “Well you know I’m just really busy with work and family life so I haven’t managed to fit it in?”
There are elements of truth to this response however Mike knows deep down that he is suppressing some truth in that he simply has not made time to write his next blog. After having an honest chat Mike is now more accepted that he needs to make more time for this exercise.
So what has all of this got to do with fitness and health goals???
Nathaniel Branden (Canadian-American psychotherapist and writer known for his work in the psychology of self-esteem) sums this all up perfectly.

“The first step towards change is awareness, the second step is acceptance.”

In relation to your training goal(s), its important to be honest with yourself and others that ask you how things are. In particular during the tough times when you’re lacking motivation or not seeing results. It can be easy to think up false statements and explanations to make sense of a situation, however this can lead to a state of denial, which could have a negative effect on your goal (s) success.
Telling Lies: The Irrepressible Truth?
Emma J. Williams, Lewis A. Bott, John Patrick, Michael B. Lewis
Published: April 3, 2013https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0060713
The Business of Lying
Article?in?Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics

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