
My clients have varied goals, from losing a few pounds to fit into a wedding dress, to reaching peak performance for an athletic event.

Whether you’re trying to lead a healthier lifestyle, smash a PR, bring home a medal, or look your best for an upcoming event, I’m here to help you achieve it.

See the results of some of my clients below, and get in touch to get started on reaching your goals.

Athlete Testimonials

Tony Hall

Tony Hall – Professional Mixed Martial Arts Athlete 


“Mike has really helped me over the last couple of years with my explosive power, overall strength and fitness! His nutrition knowledge has also been a great help, especially as I compete in a weight class sport which is harder to prepare for as you have to be as strong and fit as possible whilst on a calorie deficit. Without Mike’s help I would be no where near the level I am competing at today.”

George Reynolds

George Reynolds    NFL Academy/University of Ottawa


“I started off my journey weighing 140 pounds with very little strength. Mike adapted a training program to focus on the specific demands for my sport and I have put on 15 pounds in roughly a year. He has helped me improve my strength and power, which has improved my performance on the field and reduced my risks of injury.”

Deborah Hope

Deborah Hope – Triathlon/Iron Man Competitor 


“I love Triathlon, it’s a great sport and trying hard to be good at 3 disciplines takes a lot of effort! You need strength in all 3 to be competitive and that’s why I came to Mike. He created specific workouts to help strengthen the muscles that I needed for all 3 individual sports. Strength training is also really important as endurance rides and runs can reduce muscle.” 


Client Transformations

Client weight loss transformation

Rob lost over 2 stone and completed the Rat Race Official 300km Crossing of the Namib Desert

Weight loss transformation

Michelle lost 5 stone for her wedding

Weight loss transformation

Harima lost 2 stone while running a business and raising 2 children

Weight loss transformation

Georgi lost over 2 stone through positive lifestyle changes